Monday, April 29, 2024
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Santhwanam Counseling Centre

The SANTHWANAM counseling centre working in the School offer mental health consultancy services to the child and adolescent clients referred from medical colleges, Institute of child health, District hospitals, schools, colleges and so on. The services of an expert clinical psychologist is provided for psychological testing and assessment (Assessment of attention, concentration, intelligence, personality, memory and assessment of psychological disorders), diagnostic evaluation, and various psychological interventions (counseling, psycho education, Individual and family psychotherapy, Family therapy, Behaviour modification and behavior therapy and other appropriate management procedures).

Vocational Rehabilitation Centre

The rehabilitation centre functioning in the School of Behavioural Sciences is unique in the country as it is attached to a state university and extends service to the intellectually challenged adults and their family.

Presently the various skill training programmes of the centre are coordinated in 2 clusters. Each cluster has strength of 12-14 members.

A file making unit functions in one of the cluster under the supervision of a special teacher (and supported by the students attending postgraduate and M.Phil. programme in disability studies and special education) which trains the students in office file making. Each file board is sold at a rate of Rs.14/unit. The services of the unit have high demand.

The second cluster of students is trained to operate tea vending machines, Photostat etc. The profit obtained from these activities is distributed among the students as their remuneration. In addition to this, 4 students are employed in the School of Behavioural Sciences itself on daily wages basis to help the house keeping work.

The details of remuneration given to these students are summarized below:

Year Remuneration for file making (Rupees) Remuneration for housekeeping work (Rupees) 


2011 13600 47200
2012 14000 46400
2013 23350 44400
2014 56750 47500
2015 23100 48200
2016 46150 11400
Total 1,76,950 2,45,100