Sunday, February 23, 2025
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The PhD programmes of the school cater to the needs of the society. The school has ample facilities for promoting research studies in disability rehabilitation, Behavioural Medicine, Rehabilitation Nursing, Disability Social Work and psychology. The school has produced several quality research works Research is undertaken by potential scholars in the various aspects of Special Education, Psychology, Rehabilitation Nursing, Behavioural Medicine and Disability Social Work.

Research Discipline

  • Special Education
  • Psychology
  • Rehabilitation Nursing
  • Behavioural Medicine

List of Research Scholars Currently on Roll

Name and Registration year of Scholars   Name and Designation of Research Supervising Teacher
  1. Sreelakshmi K.P (2023)
  2. Suresh S Vadakedom (2023)
  3. Devika M Lal (2021)
  4. Darsana S (2021)
  5. Sabeena P K (2021)
  6. Tinu Tomy (2021)
  7. Resmy V M (2022)
Dr. Vinod Kumar. SProfessor


  1. Shaji C V  (2023)
  2. Suma V Madhavan (2021)
  3. Roman Alemu Kelbago(2021)
  4.  Nahana Parveen k (2020)
  5. Sarath S S (2020)
  6. Surya Thankappan (2019)
  7. Deepa Merin Kuriakose (2015)
  8. Smitha R Menon (2013)
Dr. Rajeev Kumar NProfessor
  1. Justin Aniyan (2023)
  2. Meenakshi M J (2023)
  3. Antheny P M (2017)
  4. Sini James (2016)
  5. Paul James (2015)
  6. Rajesh E ( 2014)
Dr. Muhammed Mustaffa KProfessor


  1. Jayakumar. P.R (2016)
  2. Manoj.R.(2016)
  3. Jayani.A.(2016)
  4. Rincymol Mathew(2017)
Dr.P.S. SukumaranRetired Professor
  1. Vinu.V.Gopal(2020)
  2. Sunil Kumar
  3. Semina Ali(2021)
  4. Sulekha A.T.
  5. Rejitha Kumari L(2020)
  6. Geetha Krishnan
  7. Sindhu
Dr.P.T. BaburajRetired Professor

Post Doctoral Research

Sl No. Name of Scholar Title of Study Specialization Research Guide Year of Admission
1 Dr.Tesy Grace Mathew Cognitive Profile and Psychiatric Co-morbidity among children with delinquent behaviours Cognitive Science research initiatives Dr. Rajeev Kumar N 2022 (DST-CSRI)
2 Dr. Anu George Varghese Effectiveness of SMILE, a comprehensive program for parent wellbeing in Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Nursing Dr. Rajeev Kumar N 2018, 2019(DST-WOS)
3 Dr. Ameer Hassan Identification and interventions among transgender people in Kerala: Psycho-Social status and Societal activities. Psychology Dr. Rajeev Kumar N 2014

Doctoral Research

Ph. D Awarded

Sl No. Name of Scholar Title of Thesis Specialization Research Guide Year of Award
78 Jibin George Rapid automated naming, Phonological awareness and orthographic Knowledge in Malayalam language among primary school children Special Education Dr.K.M.Mustaffa 2022
77 Chothisha.K.S Speech intelligibility, word reading and reading comprehension of hearing impaired children with and without cochlear implants Special Education Dr.P.T.Baburaj 2021
76 Priya Chandra.K Parental involvement, parental expectation and academic self regulation of students with hearing and visual impairment. Special Education Dr.P.T.Baburaj 2021
75 Daisy Philip Study to assess the sexual knowledge, attitude and behaviour of adolescents with hearing impairment and normal Rehabilitation Nursing Dr.P.T.Baburaj 13.05.2022(Open Defence date)
74 Aby Daniel Specific Psycho-physiological stimulations during early developmenta stages and achievement of specific learning milestones Special Education Dr.P.S.Sukumaran 19.04.2022(Open defence Date)
73 Dr.Harihara Iyer.N. Effect of hiomeopathic medicine administered based on the totality of symptoms ,personality and disease activity in common Musculo skeltal disorders Behavioural medicine Dr Rajeev Kumar N 30.03.2022(Open Defence date)
72 Manju.P.Immanuel Identification and Differentiation of students with mild mental retardation ,scholastic backwardness and learning disabilities based on academic behaviours Psychology Dr.K.M.Musatffa 18.02.2022
71 Suvrad.M.T Effectiveness of lifestyle modification therapy on psychological infertility Psychology Dr.P.S.Sukumaran 28.02.2022
70 Rakhi Manjooran Effect of acupressure on disease control, quality of life and psychosocial adjustment in children with asthma Rehabilitation Nursing Dr Rajeev Kumar N 15.11.2021
69 Ambady. K.G. Developing a package for curriculam adaptation in the academic achievement of students with intellectual disability in inclusive education system Special Education Dr.P.S.Sukumaran 01.09.2021
68 Vineetha.K.J Parenting style and child’s mental health -Intervention oriented study Psychology Dr.C.Jayan 02.07.2021
67 Vipin.V.Roldant Effectiveness of a comprehensive training programme for the psychological enrichment of IT professionals in kerala Psychology Dr.C.Jayan 30.04.2021
66 Dr.Roshan Bijili.K.N Impact of pharmacotherapy on Sexual dysfunction of Schizophrenia patients in relation to quality of life and personal social performance Behavioural medicine Dr.M.S.Razeena Padmam 02.02.2021
65 Omana .M.P Effect of multifaceted intervention on stress and coping among mothers of leukemic children Rehabilitation Nursing Dr.P.S.Sukumaran 12.12.2020
64 Sibin M. B Effect of Dysphasia management protocol on occurrence of aspiration pneumonia among stroke patients Rehabilitation Nursing Dr.Sr.Mary Lucita/Dr.Rajeev Kumar.N 14.12.2020
63 Mini Paul Effect of yoga and raw diet on functional capacity and quality of life of patients with cardiac congestive failure Rehabilitation Nursing Dr Rajeev Kumar N 09.12.2019
62 Rohini U K Nair Effect of playway method on cognitive functioning of children with mild and moderate intellectual disability Rehabilitation Nursing DR.P.S.Sukumaran 12.11.2019
61 Sherly Alex Effect of Holistic interventional strategy on rehabilitation of stroke survivors Rehabilitation Nursing Dr. Jayan. C 27.09.2019
60 Asha Sivaraman Efficacy of personal safety skills training programme on perceived self assertiveness against sexual Rehabilitation Nursing Dr. Jayan. C 27.09.2019
59 Mercy Jacob Effectiveness of parent focused educational intervention on the quality of life  and psychological adjustment of school children with nephrotic symptoms Rehabilitation Nursing Dr.Elsheba Mathew 27.08.2019
58 Nandini M Effectiveness of biopsychological intervention package for children with oral facial cleft Rehabilitation Nursing Dr. Jayan. C 30.07.2019
57 Gayathri Devi M S Temperament, Character and executive functions among students with learning disabilities and without learning disabilities Psychology Dr.K.M.Mustaffa 12.07.2019
56 Dr.Girija.S Enjunctions and health behaviour od students in higher secondary schools of ernamkulam district: a study on the effectiveness of transactional analysis therapy Behavioural Medicine Dr.Elsheba Mathew 09.07.2019
55 Tessy Grace Mathews Psychotherapeutic characteristics of patients in end stage renal disease on hemodialysis and effect of psychological intervention Psychology Dr.Elsheba Mathew 28.06.2019
54 Dr Ganga G Kaimal Delinquent behaviour in relation morbidity, intelligence and emotional intelligence- a study among inmates of juvenile homes , orphanages and children living Behavioural Medicine Dr M S Razeena Padmam 14.01.2019
53 Shibu Puthenparambil An interventional study on substance abuse among higher secondary school students in relation to personality and mental health Behavioural Science Dr P T Baburaj 18.12.2018
52 Boban Eranimos A study on dreams of blinds Psychology Dr Rajeev Kumar N 2018
51 Divya Rose Peter Determinants of cognitive development pf preschool children in kerala Psychology Dr Rajeev Kumar N 2018
50 Nisha T S Psychosocial study on homosexuals with and without hearing impairment Special Education Dr P T Baburaj 

( Co Guide Dr Rajeev Kumar N)

49 Sreeja S Efficacy of a teacher training module on enhancing teaching skills of primary school teachers in an inclusive setting Special Education Dr M S Razeena Padmam 2018
48 Simmy M Varkey Effect of muti modal wound care approach on behaviour distress among clients  with diabetic foot Rehabilitation Nursing Dr.Sr.Mary Lucita 2018
47 Suja Mathew Conduct disorder  therapy protocol: an intervention study Psychology Dr Jayan C 2017
46 Sandhya Govindhan A study on sex education needs and sex related problems of individuals with mental retardation Special Education Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2017
45 Anu George Varghese A study on the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy, living in Kerala Rehabilitation Nursing Dr.(Sr) Mary Lucita 2017
44 Dr. Subhadra K.T Medicinal And Placebo Effects Of Homeopathic Remedies – A Study on Patients With Somatoform Low Back Pain And Patients With Pathological Low Back Pain Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2016
43 Thressia P.A An experimental study to test the efficacy of raw diet and yoga to control type 2 diabetes in different stages of disease process Psychology Dr.Rajeev Kumar N 2016
42 Mini Mathew Functional abilities and problems of adults with intellectual disability Special Education Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2016
41 Soya Sadanandhan Community based rehabilitation of persons with mental retardation through women self help groups Special Education Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2016
40 Simili P Chacko Satisfaction and problems of special teachers in teaching children with autism, mental retardation and multiple disabilities Special Education Dr.Razeena Padmam 2016
39 Mammen Joseph C Marital adjustment among I.T professionals in Kerala Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2016
38 Dr.Babu George A study of autism-developing and validating a diagnostic clinical tool Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2016
37 Sureshkumar M Personality profile using Exner’s comprehensive system and related neurocognitive functions in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome Psychology Dr.Rajeev Kumar N 2016
36 Sreekumar V.N Impact of tsunami on the psycho-social status of tsunami survivors in Alappad panchayath of Kerala Psychology Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2016
35 Umadevi V.M Quality of life and parental expectation of adolescents with mental retardation Special education Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2016
34 Beena Mathew The effect of laughter yoga on selected psycho-physiological variables among the elderly clients residing in the old age homes of kottayam district Psychology Dr.(Sr) Mary Lucita 2015
33 Ajesh Manohar A study on the awareness and attitude of local bodies secretary on disability and implementation of laws and utilization of fund for the differentially abled in Kerala Special education Dr. Baburaj P.T 2015
32 Suresh V.S Role of family in the education of tribal students Special education Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2014
31 Kumari S Girija Scholastic backwardness, science process skills, and scientific creativity of upper primary students Special education Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2014
30 Sajikumar K.P Sexual behavior in adolescents: A study on the ecological correlates. Psychology Dr.(Sr) Mary Lucita 2013
29 Sisy George Quality of life of couples before and after adoption of child Rehabilitation Nursing Dr.Mathew M.K 2013
28 Girija K.M Anxiety and depression among pregnant ladies during antenatal, intranatal and postnatal period Psychology Dr.Kumar K.A 2013
27 Jain Joseph Sexual dysfunction in relation to sex knowledge, marital adjustment and emotional intelligence Psychology Dr.Mathew M.K 2013
26 Bindhu M.S Marital Adjustment And Its Psychological Correlates-A Cross-cultural Study Of Women In Kerala And Qatar Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2012
25 Aravindan P.P Effectiveness of psychological intervention in the management of cancer patients Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2012
24 Mary P.V The effect of literacy rich approach in the language development of children with mental retardation Special Education Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2011
23 Vijesh P.V Motor abilities and functional academic skills of children with cerebral palsy Special Education Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2011
22 Roy K George Assessment and management of behavioural problems in persons with dementia Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2011
21 Rajee Reghunath Effectiveness of structured teaching and counseling in reducing the burden of care givers of persons with dementia Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2010
20 Preena Lynette Amritha E A study on the functional academic skills and parental involvement of children with mental retardation Special Education Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2010
19 Jayachandran D Efficacy of group interaction in the psychosocial care of patients with epilepsy Behavioural Science Dr.Kumar K.A 2007
18 Valsamma Joseph Health education needs of mentally retarded children,parents and teachers Rehabilitation Medicine Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2007
17 Sreedevi T.R Stress and coping in mothers of children with Mental Retardation Special Education Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2007
16 Dileep Kumar M Impact of organizational culture upon employees and employer’s behaviour Psychology Dr.Mathew M.K 2007
15 Jameela T.P Dermetoglyphic patterns evident in disability groups Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2007
14 Sany Varghese Psycho-social variables in relation to academic achievement-a comparative study of high and low achievers Clinical Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2006
13 Jayaraj B A study of gestures among children with speech and hearing impairments, normal children and adults Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2005
12 Vinod Kumar S Psychological correlates of common cardiovascular disorders Behavioural Science Dr.Kumar K.A 2004
11 Johnson R Aetiological factors in suicidal behaviour Special Education Baburaj P.T 2003
10 Sr.Vijaya Impact of selected complementary therapies ( relaxation and foot massage) on the quality of life of Brest cancer patients Behavioural Science Dr.Kumar K.A 2003
9 Alice P Mathew Effectiveness of stress management program on cardiac surgical patients Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2003
8 Shaji P John Marital quality of women spouses of men working abroad:implications for counselling Special Education Dr. Sukumaran P.S 2003
7 Aravind Thampi Problems of children of alcoholics- identification and intervention Behavioural Science Dr.Kumar K.A 2003
6 Supaluk Satpretpry Subjective wellbeing and psychological resources of students of south Thailand and kerala-Across cultural study Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2002
5 Mohandas M The efficacy of a package program for the management of stuttering Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2001
4 Hari S Chandran Behavioural engineering management of stress and maladjustment among alcoholics Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2000
3 Jacob Cherian Adjustment and its correlates in old age- a study in relation to living arrangements Behavioural Science Dr.Kumar K.A/ Dr. Elsheba Mathew 2000
2 Rajeev Kumar N A study of life events and certain personality variables of rheumatoid arthritic patients. Psychology Dr.Razeena Padmam 2000
1 Sr.Theresa Koottiyanil The effect of student centered counselling on the low achievers in secondary schools Behavioural Science Dr.Kumar K.A 1996

Research Forum

The Researchers perform various roles to enhance the internal and external activities of the department and the collective efforts make improvements in their research work and also in the department too. In this reason the department decided to formulate the common forum for the research scholars. The research forum is officially started on 25th June 2015 with 7 member committee including General convener, secretary and executive members respectively. After the successful completion of one year, the committee has been reconstituted with 14 members including president, two vice presidents, general secretary, two joint secretaries, treasurer, and seven executive members.


  • To bring in research ambience among the research scholars
  • To create an awareness regarding the research work carried out by fellow researcher in the department to facilitate collaborative work
  • To motivate interdisciplinary research proposals
  • To educate the research scholars about the facilities such as equipment, software etc. available in the department
  • To enlighten the research methods and scientific writing to scholars through special lectures on contemporary research topics by renowned experts in key areas
  • To discuss recent hot research articles and to get innovative ideas for further research
  • To develop strengths of existing researchers by conducting workshops on different data analysis software used to facilitate research
  • To provide technical support for the research scholar who appearing PhD open viva-voce